Welcome to Knox
Welcome to Knox School of Theology Uganda located in Mbale, Uganda. If you are looking for a school with sound theological commitments, then we invite you to consider Knox School of Theology Uganda as a place where you will receive the best undergraduate theological education in East Africa.
Our final authority in this endeavour is Holy Scripture. Everything we seek to do will be placed under the ultimate authority of the scriptures. Also, we believe that the best expression of the gospel love found in the Scriptures is developed in historic Reformed creeds and thus we are committed to these confessions for guidance and direction.
We are thoroughly committed to historic Christian and Protestant theology, but we welcome students from every tradition, and we look forward to the contributions of all our students from various backgrounds. As such we plan to create a Christian academic community of scholars and students who love God and who love each other. Like the woman at the well in John 4 who ran to tell all her friends and her community about Jesus, we hope our students will graduate from KSTU with such a burning love for Jesus that they cannot remain silent, but like this Samaritan woman whose heart was bursting with love for God, they go forth to tell everyone they know of the love of Jesus Christ.
Knox School of Theology Uganda – PO Box 310116 Mbale Uganda
KSTU is run by the Orthodox Presbyterian Uganda Mission, a registered NGO