

Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

Welcome to Knox School of Theology Uganda located in Mbale, Uganda. If you are looking for a school with sound theological commitments, then we invite you to consider Knox School of Theology Uganda as a place where you will receive the best undergraduate theological education in East Africa.

Our final authority in this endeavor is Holy Scripture. Everything we seek to do will be placed under the ultimate authority of the scriptures. Also, we believe that the best expression of the gospel love found in the Scriptures is developed in historic Reformed creeds and thus we are committed to these confessions for guidance and direction.

We are thoroughly committed to historic Christian and Protestant theology, but we welcome students from every tradition, and we look forward to the contributions of all our students from various backgrounds.


We are thoroughly committed to historic Christian and Protestant theology, but we welcome students from every tradition, and we look forward to the contributions of all our students from various backgrounds. As such we plan to create a Christian academic community of scholars and students who love God and who love each other. Like the woman at the well in John 4 who ran to tell all her friends and her community about Jesus, we hope our students will graduate from KSTU with such a burning love for Jesus that they cannot remain silent, but like this Samaritan woman whose heart was bursting with love for God, they go forth to tell everyone they know of the love of Jesus Christ.





The triune God: We believe that there is only one true and living God and that there are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit deserve our worship.

The Holy Scripture: We believe in the Holy Bible as inspired word of God, without error in the original autographs.

Reformed theology: We believe that the Reformed theology as set forth in Reformed confessions including Westminster Confession of Faith and in both Larger and Shorter Catechisms is the system of doctrine taught in scripture, and therefore, is to be learned, taught, and proclaimed for the propagation of the faith and for the evangelization of the world by the power of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • MOTTO “To know God and to make him known.”

  • MISSION – “We pursue our mission by committing ourselves “To offer historical and Reformed theology to equip students for holistic ministry, faithful shepherds of the church, preachers of the word of God, and faithful ministers of the sacraments.”

  • VISIONThe vision of KSTU is “To be a premier Reformed educational school focused on Biblical Christianity for gospel faithfulness.”


Our curriculum is designed to be cultivated in an attitude of spiritual devotion to the Word of God and also something to be done for glory of God. Therefore, academics should be of the highest quality.

Students should leave KSTU with a serious commitment to the centrality of the church and public worship as an essential part of our Christian’s faith.

The essential focus of all the studies at KSTU is to be biblical, exegetical, Reformed in its theological, expositional and practical in nature. Special attention is giving to the 16th century Reformation as a way to retrace our roots in the Bible.

Careful attention is to be devoted to the cultivation of Christian character qualities, with an aim to transform their worldview and faithfulness which are essential for godly living, for leadership and ministry and for effective involvement in serving others for Christ.

Each course at KSTU is to include significant focus on the faithful preaching of the word of God, which is Christ-centered and soul-satisfying, and the faithful ministering of the sacraments.

Meet our Resident Faculty

Professional & Pastoral, our faculty is made up of Godly men from East Africa and around the world!

We emphasize having the majority of our lecturers be made up of resident faculty. These men make themselves available not just to teach, but to pour into the lives of our students. All of our faculty are not only academically professional, but bring years of pastoral and ministry experience. All of our faculty are required to adhere to the Reformed Confessions.

In addition to our resident faculty, we also bring in guest lecturers from around the world!

Dr. L. Charles Jackson
Dr. L. Charles JacksonPrincipal
Dr. L. Charles Jackson, Ph.D. (M.A. University of Dayton, M.A. Reformed Theological Seminary, Ph.D. University of Leicester)…

Dr. L. Charles Jackson, Ph.D.  (M.A. University of Dayton, M.A. Reformed Theological Seminary, Ph.D. University of Leicester) Dr. Jackson is professor of ecclesiastical history and historical theology at our college.  He brings pastoral experience, as he was pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Dayton, Ohio for almost twenty years before moving to Africa.  His works include the following: Riots, Revolutions, and the Scottish Covenanters: The Work of Alexander Henderson (Reformation Heritage Books), Bible Studies in Ruth (Reformed Fellowship, Inc.), and Faith of Our Fathers: A Study of the Nicene Creed (Canon Press).  He and his wife, Connie have six children and four grandchildren.

Mr. Okuch Andrew Ojullo
Mr. Okuch Andrew OjulloAcademic Dean
Mr. Okuch Andrew Ojullo, Lecturer and Academic Dean. Master of Theology, (ThM -Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary…

Mr. Okuch Andrew Ojullo, Lecturer and Academic Dean. Master of Theology, (ThM -Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in progress, MDiv, Africa Reformation Theological Seminary, BA. Theological Studies, Westminster Christian Institute Uganda.) His works; The Beginning of Presbyterianism in Sudan, c.1890 to c.1960 – Haddington House Journal Volumes 21 & 22. 2019/2020 – (Article); The Mystery Origin of the Jewish Community, the Abayudaya, in Eastern Uganda. – Haddington House Journal Volume 25, 2023. – (Article); Co-Author: of A Survey of Presbyterian Mission History in Africa: Historic Beginnings (c.1790s to c. 1930s). Volume One. Wellington, South Africa: Barnabas Academic Publishers, 2023. He and his wife, Awili Rebecca are blessed with a daughter.

Rev. Magala Paul
Rev. Magala PaulRegistrar & Admissions Director
R Rev. Magala Paul, Lecturer, Registrar and Admissions Director. (Master of Art in Development Studies…

Rev. Magala Paul, Lecturer, Registrar and Admissions Director. (Master of Art in Development Studies (Uganda Christian University – in progress, B.A. Christian Community Leadership with a minor in Communication African Bible University.) Magala brings a great pastoral experience, as he currently serves as the pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church meeting on the campus. He and his wife Abongo Robina have a son, Graceson.

Rev. Kakule Joseph
Rev. Kakule JosephDean of Students
Rev. Kakule Joseph, Lecturer, Dean of Students. (Master of Divinity Africa Reformation Theological Seminary…

Rev. Kakule Joseph, Lecturer, Dean of Students. (Master of Divinity Africa Reformation Theological Seminary, Kampala Uganda, B.A. Theological Studies, Westminster Christian Institute Uganda.) Rev. Kakule, brings a great experience as an ordained minister in Presbyterian Church in Kampala where he served for many years. He is currently helping at All Nations Presbyterian Church. He and his dear wife have a son, Lemuel Seth.

Mr. Desire
Mr. DesireLecturer
More information coming soon

Rev. Kakule Joseph, Lecturer, Dean of Students. (Master of Divinity Africa Reformation Theological Seminary, Kampala Uganda, B.A. Theological Studies, Westminster Christian Institute Uganda.) Rev. Kakule, brings a great experience as an ordained minister in Presbyterian Church in Kampala where he served for many years. He is currently helping at All Nations Presbyterian Church. He and his dear wife have a son, Lemuel Seth.

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